Industrialization of large lithium-ion batteries needed markets, capital and technology matures

Since the birth of the first battery, battery applications more and more widely, from small electronic products to large, larger areas of application development. Current major applications focused on electric vehicles, the future might be on the energy storage power station, batteries used in electric vehicles and energy storage power station is a energy power battery, battery category lead-acid batteries, nickel-metal hydroxide batteries and lithium ion batteries.
Lead-acid batteries are mainly used in the car boot and regular power supply, but the trend of the secondary battery has been replaced, nickel hydrogen battery power and self discharge rate and memory effects and other shortcomings in the performance, which is certainly a transitional product, this transitional period may only 10 Years, and trends are becoming evident.
Lithium-ion batteries are the latest new energy vehicle power supply, it was originally applied to small electrical appliances, at present, mobile phone and notebook computer markets have completed the process and one for all, the most popular stories in the field of electric vehicles. However, lithium battery applications there are many issues that need to be a substantive breakthrough, especially technical bottleneck.
Firstly, from the pilot results, large applications to be ineffective. According to statistics from China Association of automobile manufacturers, national new energy car production last year to 8368 and sold 8159, including private car ownership is less than 1/10, this suggests that is not recognized by the citizens of new energy vehicles. Early in 2009 year national ministries launched a new energy vehicles "ten thousands" promotion project, plans a three-year period the annual development in 10 cities, each launch 1000 new energy vehicle demonstration running, but as of last year, 10  Months, extending the target only 38% or so. Due to unsatisfactory results,2012 year countries will not add new pilot cities.
Secondly, as a concept of lithium ion battery unabated, although private consumption market is not mature, but there are also enterprises with investment in a listed company makes power lithium battery excess investment. According to a market survey, enterprise built a cell phone lithium battery production line to throw 10 billion or so, while the same batteries to be at least 20 billion, as a result, real money rarely, most start-up enterprises is aimed at future markets. Some low timely recovery of costs of the construction of the production line, reached its intended target is open to question.
Third, the basic problem is the difficulty of technological breakthroughs, market and investment the problem actually can be attributed to the extend of the problem, here are divided into four questions: 1.Lack of power, battery electric vehicle requirements to force, and thus the energy density of lithium batteries must be 250~350Wh/kg in order to achieve extensive industrialization, but currently can only do actual energy density about 100Wh/kg; 2.Enough, power comes from research and development, lack of motivation, shoddy at the level of key materials and equipment, rather than do long-term planning, but only current and short-term profit; 3.Key performance indicators, especially Security and reliability is still immature; 4.Standards are not unified, detection is not scientific.
Person: Tim.lee
Company: Dongguan Large Electronics Co., Ltd
Add: Block A, Gaosheng Technology Zone, Nancheng District, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, CN
Tel: 86-769-23182621


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